Death is a fate every person on earth will endure yet not many people acknowledge it. Although Society would define me as being young, death does not discriminate against age, gender, social status or religion… My thoughts around death made me decide to do a list of all the things I want to do before I die:
1. Before I die, I want to visit a country on every continent…. At least twice
2. Before I die, I want to host my own dinner party… For 40… On my 40th ;)
3. Before I die, I want to have tried every recipe from a cookbook
4. Before I die, I want to become a life coach for high school students
5. Before I die, I want to prove that even if you don’t know what career path to choose, u can still be as successful as those pompous C.A’s or ridiculously smart actuaries
6. Before I die, I want to move into my dream home with ample time to enjoy it
7. Before I die, I want to see a child, other than my own, through school… And hope that through changing 1 childs education, it creates a legacy that continues forever
8. Before I die, I want to start my own scrap book
9. Before I die, I want to volunteer at an animal shelter
10. Before I die, I want to snorkel without worrying about being ‘in too deep’
11. Before I die, I want to own a horse and become an exceptional rider
12. Before I die, I want to stick to a diet… Or an exercise plan…. Or even a hobby
13. Before I die, I want to learn the tango… With my husband as my partner (yes babe, you may as well add this to your list to)
14. Before I die, I want to have my very own painting on display in my own home. It may not be any good but it’s the effort that counts
15. Before I die, I want to call a “how’s my driving” number and let them know that they they!
16. Before I die, I want to strike up a conversation with someone famous. and pretend like I don’t really know who they are
17. Before I die, I want to wear a big poofy ball-gown… And behave like a princess for a day
18. Before I die, I want to wear my wedding dress on an island… And relive my wedding
19. Before I die, I want to wear a long formal dress fit for the Oscars… To a grocer!
20. Before I die, I want to gossip with my husband… In public….. In a foreign language
21. Before I die, I want to live in a different country
22. Before I die, I want to enter the comrades…. And actually finish it.
23. Before I die, I want to own a fish called bubbles.
24. Before I die, I want to own my own beach home.
25. Before I die, I want to have had a life so full of great memories, achievements, love and laughter, that even death would be impressed at the life that I’ve lived!
Quite a personal post... But my blog is my own personal diary
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